Desert Rose
Desert Rose Forums
Have a question or problem about Desert Rose ? Share it in the forum and find the answer with the help of others.
Product Offers for Desert Rose Care: Desert Rose Plants, or find other offers here
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Have a question or problem about Desert Rose ? Share it in the forum and find the answer with the help of others.
Hoya crassipetiolata
Galium odoratum
Hoya shepherdii
Asclepias syriaca
Product Offers for Desert Rose Care: Desert Rose Plants, or find other offers here
By sharing your plants in Gudpot, you help many people learn more about the plants you share.
Asclepias, also known as milkweed, is a perennial flowering plant that produces clusters of small, attractively shaped flowers in various colors, including yellow, green, purple, pink, and orange. This plant can grow to 6 feet or more with proper care. Unfortunately, this plant contains cardiac glycosides dangerous to pets if they ingest too much.